Sampling Methods
Gaussian Sampling
Multidimensional Gaussian
\[ \bm{x}\sim\mathcal{N}(\bm{\mu}, C) \]
where \(C\) is covariance matrix
\[ C=\langle \bm{x}\bm{x}^T\rangle - \langle\bm{x}\rangle\langle\bm{x}\rangle^T \]
The log-likelihood is
\[ \ln\mathcal{L}(\bm{x}|\bm{\mu})=\mathrm{const.} - \frac{1}{2}(\bm{x}-\bm{\mu})^TC^{-1}(\bm{x}-\bm{\mu}) \]
The sample of \(\bm\mu\) is
\[\bm{\mu}=\bm{x}+C^{1/2}\bm{\eta} \]
\(C^{1/2}\bm{\eta}\) is flunctuation term, and \(C^{1/2}\) satisfies
d = As+n
Often we have
and covariance matrix of noise \(\bm n\)
\[ \langle\bm{n}\bm{n}^T\rangle = N \]
Here \(A\) can be pointing matrix, mixing matrix, etc in different contexts. The log-likelihood is
\[\ln P(\bm{d}|\bm{s}) = \mathrm{const.} - \frac{1}{2}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s})^TN^{-1}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s})\]
Take derivative of the likelihood and make it equal to zero
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{\mathrm{d}\ln\mathcal{L}(\bm{d}|\bm{s})}{\mathrm{d}\bm{s}}&\propto-\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}\bm{s}}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s})^TN^{-1}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s}) \\ &=A^TN^{-1}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s})+(\bm{d}-A\bm{s})^TN^{-1}A=0 \end{aligned} \]
The two terms \(A^TN^{-1}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s})\) and \((\bm{d}-A\bm{s})^TN^{-1}A\) are equivalent, and we get the maximum likelihood solution
\[ \bm{s}=(A^TN^{-1}A)^{-1}A^TN^{-1}\bm{d} \]
\[\color{red} (A^TN^{-1}A)\bm{s}=A^TN^{-1}\bm{d} \]
这就是 \(A\bm{x}=\bm{b}\) 的形式,可以用 Conjugate Gradient 的方法来求解(可以看Painless conjugate gradient快速掌握 CG 算法)。到此为止,我们还差一个 flunctuation term,需要求 \(\bm{s}\) 的协方差矩阵
\[ \langle\bm{s}\bm{s}\rangle - \langle\bm{s}\rangle\langle\bm{s}\rangle^T =(A^TN^{-1}A)^{-1} \]
实际上,上面这个操作把 \(\bm{n}\) 的协方差矩阵转换到 \(\bm{s}\) 的空间下。如果 \(\bm{d}\) 是 TOD 数据,\(\bm{s}\) 是一张天图,\(A\) 是 mapmaking 的操作,那么这就是把协方差矩阵从时间带到像素空间中,相当于误差传递的过程。
The sample is
\[ \bm{s}=(A^TN^{-1}A)^{-1}A^TN^{-1}\bm{d}+A^TN^{1/2}\bm{\eta} \]
With a prior on s
If the prior is gaussian, then
\[\ln P(\bm{d}|\bm{s}) = \mathrm{const.} - \frac{1}{2}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s})^TN^{-1}(\bm{d}-A\bm{s}) - \frac{1}{2}(\bm{s}-\bm{\mu}_s)^TS^{-1}(\bm{s}-\bm{\mu}_s)\]
The sample becomes
\[ (A^TN^{-1}A+S^{-1})\bm{s}=A^TN^{-1}\bm{d}+S^{-1}\bm{\mu}_s+A^TN^{1/2}\bm{\eta}_1+S^{1/2}\bm{\eta}_2 \]
The covariance matrix of \(\bm{s}\) is
\[ \langle\bm{s}\bm{s}\rangle - \langle\bm{s}\rangle\langle\bm{s}\rangle^T =(A^TN^{-1}A+S^{-1})^{-1} \]
在前景分析中,各种前景成分的 amplitude 可以采用 Gaussian sampling 的方法,因为 amplitude 和数据的关系是线性的,如果噪声是高斯的,那么前景的 amplitude 也是高斯的。
Inversion sampling
在前景分析中,谱指数可以用 Inversion sampling 的方法,Inversion sampling 可以应用到任何概率分布上。
Metropolis sampling
AST9240 - Monte Carlo sampling methods
Metropolis-Hastings sampling
Allows for asymmetric transition rules.
Gibbs sampling
Basis of Commander3. See Gibbs Sampling in MCMC Interactive Gallary.
我们本来需要计算 \( P(h, g, s_\mathrm{cmb}, b|\bm{d}) \),采用 Gibbs 采样方法,我们只需要去计算
\[\begin{aligned} &P(h|\bm{d},g,s_\mathrm{cmb},b) \\ &P(g|\bm{d}, h, s_\mathrm{cmb}, b) \\ &P(s_\mathrm{cmb}|\bm{d}, h, g, b) \\ &P(b|\bm{d}, h, g, s_\mathrm{cmb}) \end{aligned}\]
Sampling Methods