Imaging and Mosaicking


An offset in one domain is a phase shift in the other. \(\color{black}F(x)\) and \(\color{black}\tilde{F}(k)\) are Fourier pairs then

\[\color{black}F(x-x_0)=\tilde{F}(k)e^{i2\pi x_0k}\]


If we have now the calibrated visibilities, we can analyze the visibilities directly by model fitting on condition that the source has simple structures. Or to choose to recover an image from incomplete, nosiy samples of visibilities.


Fourier Transform of elliptical Gaussian

Dirty Beam & Dirty Images

Visibilities data \(\color{black}V(u,v)\) is actually sampled by


The direct Fourier transform of visibilities is a dirty image

\[\color{black}V(u,v)S(u,v)\rightarrow T^D(l,m)\]


where the Fourier transform of the sampling pattern \(\color{black}s(l,m)\rightarrow S(u,v)\) is the point spread function or the synthesized beam. The dirty image is the true image convolved with the dirty beam.


FFT is a must but it requires data on a regulary spaced grid. Conventional approach is to use convolution:

\[\color{black}V^G(u,v) = V(u,v)S(u,v) * G(u,v) \rightarrow T^D(l,m)g(l,m)\]

Now we can get our dirty image pretty fast.


Introduce weighting function \(\color{black}W(u,v)\) into the gridding process, this modifies the sampling function as \(\color{black}S(u,v)W(u,v)\) and changes the dirty beam shape \(\color{black}s(l,m)\). CASA uses Robust (Briggs) weighting that can usually obtain most of the natural weight sensitivity at the same time as most of uniform weight resolution.

Example dirty beams (ALMA)

The above sections will provide us dirty beam and dirty images. The next step is to clean the dirty images.


Use non-linear techniques to interpolate/extrapolate \(\color{black}v(u,v)\) samples into unsampled regions of \(\color{black}(u,v)\) plane to find a plausible model of \(\color{black}T(l,m)\). A prior assumption about \(\color{black}T(l,m)\) is that it can be represented by point sources.

The dominant deconvolution algorithm in radio astronomy is CLEAN.

Classic Hogbom CLEAN algorithm

See Video Lecture 51:40 which has a vivid illustration.





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